Sunday, October 3, 2010

5-star dishes, different exotic fishes. man this shit is...

was hannin (lol) it's been about a week since i posted, i know some of you follow this on a regular basis, and i do apologize, but shit has slowed down since school started. 

so it's october now, meaning it's been about a month since i been here. so i just decided to upload a shit-ton of pictures for what i did during september, basically a wrap-up. bear with me
first thing i bought in Japan. I thought "oh, 150Yen, not bad, Japan's not that expensive." And then I realized that's about $2

hostel i stayed at the first two nights

it's called the Ninja lol

top bunk.. fml

cigarette vending machine.. but you need an ID card to use it

Kool Aces.. weak. I smoke Kool Kings now hahah
Mickey D's. Smile is free lol
Donor Kebab.
okinomiyaki (i think?)


only 280Yen! (~$3.50)

this vending machine scans your body and suggests a drink for you.. pretty nifty
i gets busy

bet you didn't know i could make little superpuff thingies

in chinatown. wasn't even hungry, but i felt obligated to get one

ummmm.. oxymoron?
akihabara. electronics city.

boston still sucks.

two in the pink, one in the stink?



oh look, another one

one of those pick 'em vending machine games, but this one had cigarettes... twisted.

BIGASS cup noodles

it's just a jazz room...


panda bus lol

bell of peace
vending machine with french fries and corn dogs. why don't be have these in the states??

the fuck is this guy wearing in the subway out in public

hey look, i found a samurai with a briefcase

model of hiroshima pre-atomic-bomb


they were closed. damn!

awwwww shitttttt

krispy kreme at 10pm.. its poppin

so i guess it was a good month.
i'm doing good yo, hope you are too.