Friday, October 22, 2010

i just call it how i see it


so, i've been basically keepin this blog to keep a "journal" of my own experiences in japan. i mean, my memory is fuckin terrible... i need it

usually blogs are supposed to be about feelings and shit, but honestly yo, i don't really think anyone (besides maybe a couple people) gives a damn about my feelings (no emo).  but something happened and i really feel like i should share it

the other day i had a pretty heated argument with a friend.  maybe it was the alcohol, but i felt really strongly about this.  
i said it's a father's RESPONSIBILITY to provide for his seed, and he said society molded my view about this.  lol is that right?  i told him, if my wife was the one putting food on the table, i could not call myself a man.  and i really do feel this way.  this dude had the balls to call me "close-minded," because that's how society wanted me to feel.

eh oh el

he thinks years down the line, things should change.  some women will be the provider of their families, and everyone should be cool with that.  SON, 4000 years ago, men were fucking hunter-gatherers, and women were at home raising the family.  shit will not change; that's just the way it is.  if you can't PROVIDE for your own seed, don't call yourself a man.

to his benefit, he said there are other ways to provide for your kids that don't involve money. i agree, but money is the most important thing.  without the money, how the fuck you gonna put food on the table? a roof over your kids heads? money is a major issue... call me close-minded, whatever.

we agreed to disagree. but now this dude lost respect for me cuz we see things differently.
he needs to reevaluate whether or not he wants to call me his homie.
i hope you read this fool.

damn that was long, sorry for all the feelings, i feel like a little pussy ahaha
damn i type good for a drunkie

1 comment:

  1. i've had this argument with a friend too. A matriarch vs. patriarch.
    Christian view - men should be the head
    Evolutionary view - men should be the head
    Asian view - men should be the head
    American view - men should be the head

    What more is there to argue?
