Monday, October 18, 2010

popped too many corks to let you dorks offend me, props to Tokyo but LA's the city

eventful weekend..

Thursday my friend Alex from UCLA came to Japan. he's touring Asia right now..

first we went to Mos Burger, Japan's biggest burger chain

Hamburger is My Life.

Kalbi Burger on rice patties
Roast burger
 then... beerfest.

$8 a glass

Goodluck on your trip bro
 too bad we got there an hour before it closed. whatever.
on the way home..

but the menu looked booboo, so i just got the nachos
2 beans out of 5
Founder's Favorite on Chocolate Waffle Cone (Like It Size): $8. FUCK! but it was soo good
damn i ate so much that night... went home early and had a Talk with a friend.

on Friday, I went to Japanese class (first time going on a Friday lol) and afterwards I met my homestay family. I was gonna live one weekend with a Japanese family...

they lived on the 41st floor of this building
Hiro and Tomoka Kanabe
As soon as they met me, they took me to go eat shabu shabu.
Hiro smokes 40 cigarettes a day. Last year, it was 80... sick.
They let me smoke in the living room of their home haha
Tomoka works at a Tonkatsu place. I thought that was fucking cool.
Until I used my elementary Japanese to ask her if she liked working there. smh i'm an idiot

Note the mom wrote to me, she had to use an electronic dictionary to write this lol how sweet. That's my sorry ass Japanese underneath saying Arigato Gozaimasu (i missed a character).
view from their balcony


my Japanese brother Tatsuya
Tatsuya is 18 years old, and is a freshman at the university i'm studying at.
This guy has three part-time jobs, including the graveyard shift at 7-11. fucking ridiculous
Another one of them is at this curry house

chicken katsu curry with cheese. the cheese got gross after a while..

yes. in tokyo.
rotating sushi bar they took me too.
i learned a lot this weekend. especially about what it takes to survive and provide for a family in Japan. how the fuck are you 18 and working 3 part-time jobs on top of college??
This family treated me like their own, they made sure I was never hungry, and their only want was for me to be comfortable. And for that I am grateful.

I paid another $40 for a haircut today. hahah damn...
I was supposed to wake up at 7:30 am to go to class, ended up waking at 12:30. missed all 3 classes. some things just don't change lol



  1. awwww chahnbe i miss you!!!!! i really do... come back soon.

    kogi burger on rice patties looks BOMBBB
    plus the sushi....drool....craving sushi these days.

    and i'm happy that you foudn a good homestay family! 40 ciggs/day? shit..
    and i'm glad you learned lessons (:

  2. omg ur breakfast looks so yummayyyyy! sounds like sucha nice family
