Wednesday, October 6, 2010

your girl show me l-o-v-e, i dropped the o-n-e and just took the LV

what's cool

the other day was culture day, so all of us went to... go get cultured. lol this meant going through

flower arrangements..

a tea ceremony..


my sorry-ass attempt. it means gold/money

wait for it....


don't laugh at me.
lol. whatever. guess it was cool.  afterwards we all went to shibuya to celebrate a friend's birthday...

& after. lol happy birthday cristie

it was a good day.  

on another note, i finally shaved my mustache... or "crustache" as one of my friends calls it. it's crazy, i've been so stubborn about this shit in the past. no matter who or how many people asked, i absolutely refused,  but i finally decided to do it. when i told someone i shaved, she goes "OMG do you like have a tan there?" hahaha i thought that was pretty funny

how's it look? i think i look stupid. it still feels weird... all the girls say it would help me pull more chicks... really? iono.. hopefully it pays off... ha

"she came up to me and said this the number 2 dial
if you wanna make it number 1, you're number 2 now"



  1. LMFAOOOO to your kimono costume.

    and OMFG!!! U SHAVED??? let me see yo whole face homie

  2. thats the chinese character for kim fool, you should've asked what jung was. and congratulations on shaving your "stache"
