Tuesday, October 12, 2010

i told her, i'm tryna eat out, so what we goin to dinner for?

real shit, i think i missed mexican food just as much as i missed the LA weather.

before i came to japan, i was scared there wouldn't be any mexican food.  people told me there maybe was one or two spots, but that they definitely were not the business.  but being able to eat the "mexican" food they do have here helps me sleep a little better at night..

i am gonna tear up every mexican spot out here just like i tore up every mexican spot in ktown. so far i had two of them..


hahahahahahahahahah yes!! how funny is that?? imagine they had a spot called BEANS in LA... there would be a riot.

check out their menu..

グリルチキン カーニタス ステーキ ワカモーレ シアントロライムライス
ファヒータベジタブル ブラックビーンズ ピントビーンズ フレッシュトマトサルサ ローストチリコーンサルサ
グリーンチリトマティロサルサ レッドアルボルチリサルサ サワークリーム チーズ ロメインレタス

look familiar? this spot is an EXACT replica of chipotle.. damn i miss chipotle. they EVEN copied the cilantro rice and chile-corn...

the only thing they don't have from Chipotle are burrito bowls.. but don't worry they're getting those soon

even down to the red trays.. smh
... too bad their burritos are puny and not huge like Chipotles.  funny thing though, i didn't even go to this place, all these pictures are stolen hahah. i was just FORTUNATE enough to have someone bring me back a burrito.. and she made sad cute faces to the workers so they made my burrito Chipotle-sized. yee.

i was so excited to get my burrito, i forgot to take a picture of it... i hate myself for that. but believe me, it was huge (that's what she said).

still can't get over the name.. ahaha
thanks boo
 RATING: 3.5 beans out of 5.


El Torito. They claim to be "California's most popular Mexican restaurant" AHAHAH negro please (pedro please?)
 the dope thing about this place, it was on the 28th floor of a huge building.

eating burritos, looking at this out the window.
so it had sort of a 5-star type feel.  it was real fiesta-y in there, murals on the walls of mexicans selling foods from carts and shit

so this is what i ordered... chicken, beef, avacado quesadilla
and this is what i got... wtf? i thought i was eating at a mexican spot, not jew

appetizers were pretty bomb tho..

cream cheese & avacado egg rolls
beef taquitos
CLEARLY, the best thing about this place was the chips and salsa ahahaha
overall, it wasn't bad. 5-star restaurant, 3-star dishes hahaha.. the pics in the menu were misleading though, food huge in the menu so i was scared i wasn't gonna be able to finish my food, but that shit was gone in 15 minutes. what bothered me was they only served wet burritos... i don't like wet burritos. they're stupid.

RATING: 3 beans out of 5.

so i mean, there's nothing out here that's going to compare to EL TAURINO (tostadas and nachos....damn), but hopefully FRIJOLES holds me over until i get back.  i think they're might be 1 or 2 other mexican spots, i'll post pics when (not if) i go.

now all i need is some pho... haha
oh shit actually i did have pho. but like i told my boy hectorta (biggest pho fan alive. ever.), shit was wack son, the noodles were thick, the onions were red, there was mushrooms... smh. i was drunk after clubbing in roppongi, i had to do it. honestly doe, if i was drunk, i'd prob eat there again haha

japan is making me into a facebook whore. i swear i don't use half as much fb back home. and i'm usually off fb chat... hm

another random:
the hardest working man in tokyo
buy this man's shoes!

hope you enjoyed your モニング しんぶん

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