Monday, September 6, 2010

jet set, now where haven't we been yet

So I landed yesterday. 11 hours on the plane, but i slept for about 8 hours so it wasn't too bad. When I got off, I really needed a cigarette, so I walk outside, and this is what i see

Are you shitting me? That's not right. Pretty fucked up/gross actually. 
Crazy thing though, Japan is pretty humid, and it's actually cooler inside the smoking box than outside. Weird.

I'm staying at a hostel the first two nights. I took the subway from the airport to the hostel, which wasn't too bad. Until I left the subway. Apparently some subways don't have escalators.

    +                   =   fml    

One more thing. My first meal in Japan:

Donkatsu (duh), 720 Yen ($9). 
Not as good as Wako (that's my shit, you'll never find one better), but not bad at all.

10 minutes later. I don't fuck around.

if you have any questions about japan/japanese people/whatever, just ask
i went to harajuku today, but this post took me forever so i'll put that up next time.

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