Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fuck i look like ho? i look like yes and you look like no

what's good. two posts in one day?? damn...

i was chillin with my black homie in shibuya the other day.  people was staring.  this dude speaks better japanese than i do though lol

finally bought some shit for myself
Glass beads from NBHD. dopeness. 6300yen  
before i left for japan, i was trippin about what i was gonna do about my haircuts.  i can't be having long hair, that shit bothers me. and i'm not about to grow out my hair and dye it orange, just cuz i'm living in japan doesn't mean i have to look like it. i'm pretty serious about this shit, if i'm at the barbershop, and my barber's busy with someone and other barbers are open, i'll still wait for my barber. he's some 50-year-old mexican baisa-looking dude, but this motherfucker knows how to cut hair.

so after doing some research, i finally found this one spot that does fades. apparently the barber used to live in nyc for 8 years. real cool dude, and he speaks flawless english. imagine asking some non-english speaking japanese dude to give you a fade with a 2 on the top? shit would not be easy...
      they sell shirts too lol
yup. 3500-fucking-yen (that's 40-fucking-dollars) for a fucking fade. But you can't put a price on comfort right? dude was real nice though, even invited me to some party they're throwing in shibuya next week. He even threw in some Cold Cuts stickers and a lighter hahaha.

the end product
shit i'm starting to get a pimple on my temple..

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