Monday, September 27, 2010

maya angelou, nicky giovanni, turn one page then there's my mommy

what's goin on

so my mom visited me the other day.  she was in korea handling some business, so she decided to stop by japan on her way back home. she got a funny ass haircut, i couldn't stop laughing when i saw her lol.. until she told me to stop laughing like an idiot.

she brought me a duffel bag full of food. yup. that's what i'm gonna be eating the next three months. especially when a mcdonalds combo costs $9. shit is redickilous, son. thanks mom.

funny thing about my mom, she was a history major in college, so she's always giving me  lessons about history and society.  "japan as a country is rich, but its citizens are poor. that's japan's central problem." lol.  when i saw her, i asked "what should we do today?" i was gonna take her to Tokyo Tower or something.  but she just said she wanted to go to a history museum.. lol

shrimp & mayo pizza aka saltiest pizza of all time

i love pizza. and i haven't had it since i've been in japan. so when i finally got this, i was stoked... until i took a bite.  i don't know what i was thinking getting a pizza with mayo on it, but shit was gross yo.  we tried asking the waiter for bread since the pizza was too salty, but we didn't know what to tell them hahaha

we couldn't go to the museum since it was closed, so we just walked around yokohama.  i told my mom i didn't want to work a 9-5.  she agreed. i told her i wanna run my own shit, and she agreed.  i told her i just plan on working for a few years after college, stack paper, and start doing my own thing... i just need a great idea.  she told me i should start a business involving water... hmmmmm

it was a good day
i finally started school today haha i'll put up more on that later. it's raining over here.. i really dislike rain.  


Thursday, September 23, 2010

and now i'm in shibuya buying something that's way too exclusive

i miss this yeezy

This is what yall all lookin forward to
this is more than historical
anything i say that is audible
oughtta blow just like a chick givin oral yo
lick the black get the cream like an oreo
hit the track get the cream, same story yo
trick that on armanio emporium
it's more important tho
yes sir, my aura is orchestral, but way fresher
Cuz i simply throw a symphony on a sempty but i know that niggas still beast
So after I MC, I empty the MP so i can stay out of reach (damn!)
They used to say you's a producer
I'm glad I never listened to you losers
cuz now i'm in shibuya buyin somethin that's way too exclusive
r-r-r-r-rappers are in danger
this flows from a manger but meaner than lucifer
yeahhh and this is the new drug
i'm the new high, yall want your weed back?
i still love h.e.r., honto e rap

pretty old song, but being in shibuya made me think of it
and kanye absolutely killed/murdered/bodied it
Youtube wouldn't let me embed the video (lameee), so here's the link
Teriyaki Boyz ft. Kanye - I Still Love H.E.R.

Yeezy's part starts at 3:35

kush rolled, glass full, i prefer the better things

"You are a Live Wire.

You like to treat yourself to some of the finer things in life.  It's all about striking the right balance!  You have quite traditional values and believe in working hard to achieve your goals.  And, when the work day is over, it's time to kick back, relax and enjoy your downtime, hanging with friends, relaxing with the kids or enjoying one of your favorite interests, whether that's on the sports pitch, at the mall or in a theater... Committed and loyal, family is really important to you.  You're successful and empowered by the opportunity you have to live the life that you want.  You value your health and financial security and enjoy being able to create a happy home.  

You appreciate intelligent conversation and enjoy the opportunity to express yourself and share your views with your friends and family.  Music is the perfect antidote to the hectic pace of your life.  You are often to be found singing along to one of your favorite songs.  And you're always happy to find new artists that you love.  Success is a real enabler for you.  You reap the benefits by enjoying some really magical vacations that broaden your horizons and leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.  Sometimes nothing is more appealing than the idea of truly getting away from it all to recharge your batteries and come back firing on all cylinders."

I don't really pay attention to too many online quizzes, but this one pretty much nailed it.  Especially the parts about success, money, music, relaxing, vacations.  Maybe the only part that was off was me valuing my health... I should change that.

Take the quiz here. 
It's different from other online quizzes, it's pretty cool.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fuck i look like ho? i look like yes and you look like no

what's good. two posts in one day?? damn...

i was chillin with my black homie in shibuya the other day.  people was staring.  this dude speaks better japanese than i do though lol

finally bought some shit for myself
Glass beads from NBHD. dopeness. 6300yen  
before i left for japan, i was trippin about what i was gonna do about my haircuts.  i can't be having long hair, that shit bothers me. and i'm not about to grow out my hair and dye it orange, just cuz i'm living in japan doesn't mean i have to look like it. i'm pretty serious about this shit, if i'm at the barbershop, and my barber's busy with someone and other barbers are open, i'll still wait for my barber. he's some 50-year-old mexican baisa-looking dude, but this motherfucker knows how to cut hair.

so after doing some research, i finally found this one spot that does fades. apparently the barber used to live in nyc for 8 years. real cool dude, and he speaks flawless english. imagine asking some non-english speaking japanese dude to give you a fade with a 2 on the top? shit would not be easy...
      they sell shirts too lol
yup. 3500-fucking-yen (that's 40-fucking-dollars) for a fucking fade. But you can't put a price on comfort right? dude was real nice though, even invited me to some party they're throwing in shibuya next week. He even threw in some Cold Cuts stickers and a lighter hahaha.

the end product
shit i'm starting to get a pimple on my temple..

Blu - Fly (Song of Liberation)

She said she was sick of the city life
A sweet girl but the world made it a shitty type
When she was young she just wanted to be pretty like
A model or an actress but
she had work for her two kids
Father in jail, servin time for two bids
Kids hungry askin mama where the food is
And she could see their hearts beatin thru their two ribs
Now she cryin watchin Cribs
cuz the rents due soon, in a one bedroom
and the kids kickin mama like I need some leg room
Daddy gone, the babies might as well be test tubes
in the projects STUCK
wishin they could just move to the country
i see her time and time tryin to make a little money
that makes me realize, shit my life ain`t that crummy
so one day i asked her how she deals with it
she said she doesn`t, she lets God

He said he had a problem with commitment
and it was probably cuz his pops was into pimpin
As a kid he called different women mama
so he grew up in some drama that he never could get out of
He was 18..
Already hatin life so he blazed trees
And he could ball but he ditched everyday it seems
And his grades was so bad he never made the team
So he started slangin trees, then he moved to coke
College coaches always noticed that the kid was dope
But he smoked too much
Dropped out of school, cuz shit he didn`t go too much
Till one day he overdosed, sniffin coke and such
I think about him time and time
And i realize how similar our past is
But how different my path is
One day I asked his dad, how he deals with it
He said he doesn`t, he gets high

He told me he was pressured and was stressin out
And he usually makes music just to let it out
He asked his mom about it and she told him Pray to God
She didn`t notice that the faith was fadin from his mind
He tries to ignore, the stress that he endures
Tries to find some liberation but the pain is indoors
He feelin sore since the bills started comin, and his stomach started rumblin
Pops causin growin pains
Asked his friends about it but, they don`t know they pain
They just tell him Roll a blunt, try to smoke some hey
So he gets high hopin itll go away
But it doesn`t, shit is stuck in his head
Goes to sleep and the grief crawls up in his bed
Started trippin out, thinkin he should fuck with some meds
And he remembers what his grandpa told him when he was young,
So he looks to the sky, askin God: How Come?
I feel his pain time and time when I look in the mirror,
Then I realize, that guys me tryin to see clearer
So tell God I hear him.
And I know how to deal with it
Close my eyes till I find my spirit
And just

Sunday, September 19, 2010

only history i know is benjamin franklin


haven't updated in a while. just got back from a 4 day field trip to hiroshima (site of atomic bombings during WWII).  shit was coo.  except waking up at 8am everyday.  and learning. ughhh

but real shit i learned a lot about the outcomes of the bombings, and how brutal/depressing it really was.  the US literally WIPED OUT a major city like it was nothing. damn..

We visited some basement where a man was during the bomb, and he escaped being hit.  Blessing or Curse? Imagine being him --  walking outside and everything you love is gone.
Memorial remembering all of the Korean victims of the Atomic Bomb.  It's crazy cuz before I left for Japan, I thought relations between Japanese and Koreans were tense, and I would've never thought the Japanese would have tolerated something like this.

But anyway, the best parts of the field trip were when we weren't learning anything (obviously).  We visited a bunch of islands, shit was pretty dope.

chillin with a deer. how many of you can say you've ever done that?

I hiked (yes, HIKED) up a big mountain with my black ass lungs, but it was worth it.
bitch, i'm on a boat.
Why have Similar Tits when you can have Varied Tits? ahahah

We went to a Hiroshima Carp baseball game. I don't know if they knew I was cheering for the other team (the other team had the Dodgers logo), but they kept pouring me drinks
Katsu sandwich.  This is getting bad..
Snack bar. That's kinda gross.. but i'm down
"maybe you should try purifying yourselves in the waters of lake minnetonka." haha i miss dave chappelle.

she Thinks she's cooler than me
so i've been drinking about every other night. but as you can probably tell, karoake really isn't my thing (unless i'm hammered)
so classes STILL haven't started. japanese class starts this week, but i always tend to do bad in language classes. maybe it's cuz i always fuck around with the teacher. who knows. hmmm what else. i've been waking up early everyday. and smoking only 5-7 sticks a day. i'm turning my life around yall.  


Friday, September 17, 2010

J. Cole - Dreams

seems like i always had crushes on chicks i couldn't have
and then i end up fuckin with someone i shouldn't have
see in my mind it's like i'm perfect for her, i gotta show her
but sadly, in reality, dawg i don't even know her
but still somehow she got my mind infatuated
absolutely fascinated
with the thoughts of what she might be like
time after time after time i had to wait it's
is fate proscratinatin?
i can't take it cuz i might be right

this is the girl of my dreams
is she as good as what she seems?
or am i lying to myself?
ey should i try and get some help?

oh shit she passed me on the boulevard
ey tell me is it stalkin if i follow her like all the way home without her knowin?
nah nigga i'm just curious where she stay at
besides, when i'm with her this gon be the spot we lay at
and maybe i'll just drive by occasionally
and if one day i happen to see her outside she'll wave at me
imagine what she'll say to me
this ain't no time to be afraid no more, it's time for bravery
no matter if my homies think i'm crazy

this is the girl of my dreams
is she as good as what she seems?
or am i lying to myself?
ey should i try and get some help?

i spot her walkin in the mall
ok it's time to grow some balls
if she really gon be yours
omg i'm walkin towards her
my mind screamin STOP but my legs keep walkin forward
straighten up your face nigga she see you comin for her
my hearbeat racing and my hands keep shaking
wsup girl, don't mean to interrupt
but in the city i done met a lot of women 
but you from my dreamsssss
and maybe we can come true
i know about a show where we can catch some r&b and rap and you should come thru
she said, "uhh, i'd love to.
except i don't like rap.
besides if i went with you then i don't think my man would like that."

Monday, September 13, 2010

and i'm a nikehead, i wear chains that excite the feds

we finally got phones. some dude from the phone company came to our dorm and gave us a choice of phones, white or black lol. i'm a little mad cuz i expected to have a sickass phone in japan, like video chat and hologram projections and shit. but it's unlimited texting and free incoming calls, so whatever.
the smileys are crazy. they pop out of the screen and they're like moving pictures lol


080 - 3902 - 2679. holler. use gmail (googlevoice? or googletalk?), it's free for you and me.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

but being you pays off, you should try for yourself

what's good

i been here about a week now. good news: i haven't gone (completely) broke yet! bad news: it's humid as hell son, i got 10 mosquito bites last night. TEN.

that shit don't look right. but anyway, class doesn't start for another two weeks (i think), so we still have a bunch of time to chill. i've made a lot of friends, but some of these dudes just don't understand. it's not we've got a whole four months ahead of us; we ONLY got four months here (you don't know how many times i've said this). we have to do it big with the little time we have yo. i don't know about you guys, but i'm leaving japan with no money and no regrets

anyway, this is where i live. small as hell, right? but i got my own balcony and ac so it works.
what i sleep on: two thick blankets on top of a thin mattress
i used to wake up in the dope spot, turn my swag on..
you ain't got these
view from my balcony

  i've been buying a lot of gifts. hopefully i don't forget anybody. i gotta go eat now


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

what's my favorite word?


so tokyo is the retail capital of the world. too bad i'm on a tight (very tight) budget. i've never really lived on a budget before, life on a budget blows. the other day i went to harajuku, a small town in tokyo that has a ridiculous amount of boutiques, etc. 

Hallway entrance for the BBC store. pretty dope.         

they sell shoes.. lol 
BAPE store for babies.
Pass the Baton - Sufu's nominee for store of the year. not bad. Only piece of clothing I bought in Harajuku was from here.
Tokyo is Active.
Not from Harajuku, but HOW DOPE IS THIS?? 

there's also a few stores in harajuku that buy used rare clothes, so if times get tough, i just might have to... actually, fuck that. i can't go out like that, can i?

so i moved into my dorm last night, small as hell but it's my own room with a balcony so it's all good. got 20 other UC students in the program, mostly squares (sorry guys, but its true lol). A couple of us went out last night to explore Yokohama, we ran into a native and he ended up drinking with us and taught us some "useful" japanese. Cool dude. it's pouring over here, apparently there's a typhoon coming (wtf?!).  I been here 3 days and had katsu twice already. I don't really like trying new things I guess.

i'm getting a cell phone next week, and it's free incoming calls. holler at your boy.

one more thing. for all my people back in cali..