last night we had our farewell party...
yeah only 3 more weeks until japan is done...
that went by too quick man..
good food |
white wine |
we come alive in the night time |
okayyyy away we go |
only thing we have on is the... what the fuck? |
lol yeah the party was cool though.
for once everybody got drunk, it was a beautiful thing.
people were faceplanting, dancing in fucking costumes, throwing up everywhere, and i'm pretty sure some crazy shit went down in the bathroom somewhere.
the best buddy anybody could ask for |
our counselors... and some japanese dude with a cold. thanks for guiding us through all our problems. |
i should really take more pics. and better ones too.
so, being that it was an OPEN BAR, i was needless-to-say pretty shitfaceshwasted.
the party ended at 11, i was just about to catch the last train home to beautiful Totsuka...
but the drunk inside of me (and my stupidass friends) told me to get off the train and head to the club in Shibuya.
the fuck was i thinking... i fucked up.
but that's what life is about right? learning from your mistakes?
i'm Puhretty sure that would never happen again..20 days until the new year... 19 days until i'm back in LA..
see yall soon.
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